Nicholas O. Borror


Nick Borror enjoys the mystery and the history that often surrounds mineral titles. Nick’s knack for research is an asset to clients and firm energy litigators as he tracks down accurate mineral owners, cures title defects, and digs deep into missing heirs. Nick’s works are foundational to building defense strategies in royalty disputes for oil and gas producers in the Marcellus Shale.

Representative Experience

  • On behalf of a publicly traded oil and gas company researched and completed a complex title project involving hundreds of missing heirs associated with several hundred acres of land in multiple tracts in Ritchie County, West Virginia
  • Provided mineral title research in support of complex royalty disputes and litigation on behalf of oil and gas companies
  • Researched ownership of title and leasehold interests for surface, coal, oil, gas and other mineral rights
  • Drafted and reviewed mineral title opinions for oil and gas clients identifying title defects and advising clients on appropriate curative measures
  • Performed due diligence analyzing clients assets for multi-million dollar energy transactions
  • Prepared and drafted oil and gas title opinions

Licensed In

  • West Virginia


  • J.D. West Virginia University College of Law
  • B.A. West Virginia University


  • Vice President, GABALTA
  • Member, NALTA

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