2024 NAPE Summit Week

In-Person Event
Steptoe & Johnson Sponsored Event

February 7-9, 2024

Steptoe & Johnson is sponsoring the 2024 NAPE Summit Week being held in Houston, TX on February 7-9. The NAPE Summit offers international and domestic purchasers a unique chance to connect, reconnect, and make deals on domestic and international levels. This year’s keynotes feature Arjun Murti as he redefines the energy transition at the Energy Business Conference luncheon and Dr. Scott Tinker will present how America can put aside political differences to provide a secure energy future. NAPE brings together all industry disciplines, draws in decision-makers, focuses its participation on prospect generators, and hosts companies of all sizes. 

February 7-9

George R. Brown Convention Center
1001 Avenida De Las Americas
Houston, TX 77010


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