Oklahoma City SouthWest Benefits Association Benefits Administration Workshops

Related Attorney: Angela M. Stockbridge

In-Person Event
Steptoe & Johnson Speaker Event

March 15, 2024

Join Steptoe & Johnson’s Angela Stockbridge for the SouthWest Benefits Association Benefits Administration Workshops, being held in Oklahoma City on March 15. The workshops will provide information to benefits administrators who handle the day-to-day details of the ever-changing world of employee benefits. Angela will speak as part of a session entitled, “COBRA Administration: Compliance Pitfalls and Successfully Partnering with Your Vendor.” Application has been made for continuing professional education credit for Enrolled Agents, Actuaries, CPAs , and Group I insurance agents. Credit may also be achieved on an individual submission basis for most benefits-related credentials like SHRM and HRCI.

March 15, 2024

Skirvin Hilton Hotel
1 Park Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73102


SouthWest Benefits Association Benefits Administration Workshops Information and Registration

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