West Virginia Legislative Brief for 3/12/21

Published: March 12, 2021

Legislative Action by the Numbers:

1121 bills introduced in the House of Delegates

642 bills introduced in the State Senate

65 bills have passed the House of Delegates

94 bills have passed the State Senate

21 bills have completed legislative action and await the Governor’s consideration (6 House, 15 Senate)

5 bills have been enacted in law with the Governor’s signature

My View from the Capitol

We are officially over the hump as today marks the 31st day of the Regular Legislative Session. The pace continues to be hectic and, while the Governor has lifted some of the COVID-19 restrictions, the State House continues to have restricted and limited access which has prompted 80+ House members to sign a petition requesting the Governor to “open” the State Capitol to the public.

Speaking of the Governor, his Personal Income Tax bills have been introduced in both the House and Senate. Click here for HB 2027.  Click here for SB 600. Both bills are in the Finance committees. Some of the concerns with the Governor’s bill, as proposed, include:

Stay tuned as the bill undoubtedly be the “hot topic” for the remainder of the session.

Legislative Calendar – Important Days to Remember

Thirty-fifth Day – March 16, 2021: Last day to introduce bills in the House. House Rule 91a does not apply to originating or supplementary appropriation bills, and does not apply to Senate or House resolutions or concurrent resolutions.

Forty-first Day – March 22, 2021: Last day to introduce bills in the Senate. Senate Rule 14 does not apply to originating or supplementary appropriation bills, and does not apply to Senate or House resolutions or concurrent resolutions.

Forty-seventh Day – March 28, 2021: Bills due out of committees in house of origin to ensure three full days for readings.

Fiftieth Day – March 31, 2021: Last day to consider bill on third reading in house of origin. Does not include budget or supplementary appropriation bills. (Joint Rule 5, paragraph b)

Sixtieth Day – April 10, 2021: Adjournment at Midnight. (WV Const. Art. VI, §22)

News From Around the State

Governor Goes Off on State Spending Restrictions Built into Latest Federal Relief Bill

Senate Passes Bill to Regulate Syringe Exchange Programs

Royalty Owners Raise New Concerns Over “Forced Pooling” Bills

Lawmakers Call for Capitol to be Opened Up to the Public

House Passes Bill Shielding Businesses from COVID-19 Legal Claims During Pandemic

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